Happiness is what you feel inside

Ultimately, happiness rests on how you establish a solid sense of self or being. Happiness does not lie in outward appearances nor in vanity. It is a matter of what you feel inside; it is a deep resonance in your life. To be filled each day with a rewarding sense of exhilaration and purpose, a sense of tasks accomplished and deep fulfillment—people who feel this way are happy. Those who have this sense of satisfaction even if they are extremely busy are much happier than those who have time on their hands but feel empty inside. – Ikeda

Faith is light

“Faith is light. The hearts of those with strong faith are filled with light. A radiance envelops their lives. People with unshakable conviction in faith enjoy a happiness that is as luminous as the full moon on a dark night, as dazzling as the sun on a clear day.”- Daisaku Ikeda

Life is a series of changes

Life is a series of changes, a succession of ups and downs. But those who possess a prime point, a home to which they can return no matter what happens, are strong. To come home to the world of friendship in the SGI, to talk things over and prepare for a fresh departure—this is the way I hope all of you will live. When you do, you will advance upon a fundamentally unerring path to happiness.” – Daisaku Ikeda

Great character is forged through hardships

“Eiji Yoshikawa (1892-1962), the renowned Japanese author of many epic historic novels, asserted, “Great character is forged through hardships.” Surviving a life of hardships and difficulties, of stormy ups and downs, is what produces a person of great depth and character. True happiness is also found in such an unshakable state of life.” – Daisaku Ikeda

Humorsphere – laugh out loud #1

<<Meant for my friends who can read & understand Hindi>>

This blog post is not meant to offend anybody and neither is it reflection of my thinking. Through this post, I am putting together the laughter pills that I received over last few years from my friend. I am taking the liberty to post the ones I liked the most. I hope these pills flex your facial, jaw and throat muscles for a while. If you don’t like them, just ignore this as another blog post.

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Compose a golden diary of life

“Those who wake up each morning with work to accomplish and a mission to fulfill are the happiest people of all. SGI members are like this. For us each day is one of supreme purpose and satisfaction. For us each day is New Year’s Day. Please exert yourselves vigorously with the determination to live each day to the fullest, so that you may compose a golden diary of life.” – Daisaku Ikeda

Big Data Analytic Analogy

A century ago if you wanted to be wealthy, you’d mine for natural resources from out of the soil, build a factory, build things and then sell them. If you took that same model and applied it to the current digital era, then you mine your data for information, the datacenter is your factory, the data scientists are your workers, and you sell the information to your customers—internal and/or external—and leveraging the intelligence towards operational and financial gains.

Quote Unquote …. from here & there

Folks, if you are married or going to get married, you must read them. These one liners are so funny that I could not resist collecting and consolidating them. They are not meant to offend anybody and neither are they reflection of my thinking. I hope they flex your facial, jaw and throat muscles for a while. If you don’t like them, just ignore this as another blog post!

1. A good wife always forgives her husband when she’s wrong.

2. My wife and I were happy for 20 years. Then we met.

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